That's what the shirt I'm wearing says. I picked it up at the American Collegians for Life annual conference held at the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. this past Saturday.
Today was the "March for Life" and yesterday marked the grim 33rd anniversary of the infamous Roe v. Wade decision which mandated (somehow) that women have the "right" to abortion. In fact, in the past 3 decades it has come to mean the right to an immediate abortion, which is often forced on women by men, and by society.
However, Saturday's conference gave me yet another opportunity to interact with hundreds of pro-life college students who made the trip to D.C. from all over the country to "March for Life" and to attend a conference about pro-life activism and how to persuade their peers on college campuses why abortion is wrong and why women deserve better.
Perhaps the nomination and confirmation of Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court is just one step towards restoration of a terrible crime which has led to the deaths of over 40 million innocent children, ripped from their mother's wombs in the ultimate act of murder. As Mother Teresa of Calcutta told us, "The greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion."
Here is the link to the American Collegians for Life, which is now named, as of Saturday, the
Students for Life of America. If you look at the 2006 Conference photos, you might be able to find me in the background talking to students from behind a table. I saw myself in at least 2 different photos, but you have to look close.