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    Wednesday, June 22, 2005

    "Club Gitmo"

    "Club Gitmo", what Rush Limbaugh is now calling the prison camp at Guatanomo Bay, Cuba. Hey, I'm not for torture, and if I thought real torture was going on there, I'd say close the base too. But, come on... we treat these prisoners better than we have to. Not only do we give them food and water, and all the stuff required by international law, but we go ABOVE and BEYOND that and give them free copies of the Koran, prayer time (with rugs!) and we do other nice things too. And this... all to our enemies! (enemies who used their religion to plot, kill, and conspire to kill thousands of Americans!)

    Well, Rush is poking fun at the fact that Amnesty International has called "Gitmo" the "gulag of our times" (moral relativism? hello) and even some US legislators have condemned US action there, saying that Gitmo should be closed.

    Check out Rush's "Club Gitmo" t-shirts here:

    Some slogans on the shirts:

    "I Got My Free Koran and Prayer Rug at Gitmo"

    "What Happens in Gitmo, Stays in Gitmo"

    "Your Tropical Retreat from the Stress of J'had"

    "My Mullah went to Gitmo and All I Got was this Lousy T-shirt"

    Also, I highly recommend visit and scrolling down to the "Club Gitmo" section, where you can hear an audio version of the "commercial" for "Club Gitmo."

    "Get some R&R at Gitmo!"
    "Gitmo: The Muslim Resort"
    "The Jewel of the Carribbean"
    "Korans, prayer rugs, where else can Muslims go for everything they need"

    and my favorite... "For terrorist extremists everywhere, at Club Gitmo we have a spot reserved for you" (damn right!)

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