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    Wednesday, August 10, 2005

    Republican Party: STOP THE SPENDING!!

    What is the deal? I think I've had it with the amount of federal spending that is going on - and all with a REPUBLICAN MAJORITY in the House, the Senate, and a Republican-controlled White House.

    President Bush just signed a $286.4 Billion highway bill... and its loaded with "plenty of cash with some 6,000 pet projects," according to

    Every time Bush starts to make me happy again, he and the Republican Party go and piss on my parade. Bush made me ecstatic a couple weeks ago with the nomination of John Roberts to the Suprememe Court bench. And now? He goes and signs a HUGE SPENDING BELL that WE DIDNT NEED!!

    Every time I look, highways are getting worked on... and the states spend ENOUGH on them. Highway 52 right here in Wilmington just got re-paved. Did it need to? I doubt this bill has anything to do with highways around me, but who knows. The point is, every dollar of taxpayer money we spend, we better be spending it for good reason. And 286 Billion Dollars is INSANE!

    I am going to have to start watching who I vote for. Neither party satisfies me any more. I agree with Republicans about 70% of the time and almost never with Democrats. But, federal spending on this level, with the budget deficit as much as it is, and taxes as high as they still are, is just insane.

    Word to my party: STOP THE SPENDING!!!!

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