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    Wednesday, October 11, 2006

    Conservatism on Tap: Taking on Big Business and Big Government

    On October 10, another edition of the ISI Young Alumni's Conservatism on Tap event took place in Washington, D.C. This time, it was moved to a new and much more impressive venue: The District Chophouse in the heart of downtown D.C. There are no distractions there, as we had our own room in the basement, where it was quiet enough to hear our speaker, Mr. Tim Carney.

    Mr. Carney gave a talk on the topic of his book, The Big Ripoff: How Big Business and Big Government Steal Your Money. It was a good talk and it many people there (especially those that are "new" to ISI) told me it was refreshing to hear a conservative be just as critical of big business as they are of big government.

    The next "Conservatism on Tap" takes place on Saturday, November 4th from 2-4pm at the District Chophouse. The speaker is Dr. Brad Wilcox from the University of Virginia who will speak on the topic, "Why Marriage Matters: A view from the social sciences."

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