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    Wednesday, March 12, 2008

    Democrats Can't Even Get Voting Right

    So, the Democrats screwed up again. Six or nine months ago, we all thought the Democrat primary would be decided by early February. Hillary Clinton would be the presumptive nominee and it would be the Republicans battling it out. But, that didn't happen. And it's all the Democrats fault, and not only because they have a contested battle, but because of how their ideology affected how they organize their voting.

    The Democrats set up their primary voting structure based on their "egalitarian" ideology. Their ideology doesn't believe in this representative Republic, but rather in dismantling this Republic and taking us closer to a Direct Democracy, which our nation's founders detested. Our founders learned from the Greeks that direct democracy doesn't work. But, in the Democrat primary, the "party of the people" relies on direct democracy - most of the delegates in each state are apportioned according to the popular vote in that state.

    The Republican Party, however, allows each state to either be a "winner take all" delegates or to do as the Democrats do, and apportion delegates according to how many popular votes were won by each candidate. Because so many of the major states, like California and Florida, have a "winner take all" approach, a consensus winner is more likely to be decided earlier. With a wide field of candidates, John McCain racked up more delegates because he won the popular votes of each state and was able to "win" all the delegates. The GOP race is over and McCain moves on with more momentum.

    The Democrats also have another problem - unique to 2008. The DNC didn't want Florida and Michigan voting ahead of the February 5 primary. In Florida, where I live, the Florida Democrats didn't have a choice. The Florida legislature is dominated by Republicans and it was the Florida legislature that moved up our state's primary. So, what is a Florida Democrat to do, but go out and vote (in record numbers by the way) on January 29.

    Now, being a fan of tradition, I wasn't a fan of moving up our primary earlier, but it is what it is. The national GOP penalized Florida as well - but didn't silence our votes, but rather just discounted some of our delegates. The DNC on the other hand, "silenced" the Florida voters. And, they also silenced the Michigan voters.

    Now, this election has gotten close - all because of an incoherent "egalitarian" ideology that goes against our Constitutional form of government, and because some idiotic party officials that run Howard Dean's DNC didn't want to "cave in" to what the Michigan and Florida legislators did when they moved up their primary. Now, they have chaos. And chaos is exactly what you get when you have direct democracy.

    Democrats can't even get voting right - why should we trust them to run our government?

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