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    Tuesday, March 18, 2008

    Obama Throws Grandma Under The Bus

    Obama delivered a speech today on race in America. More like "racism" in America. There were certainly some inspiring moments of the speech, but one has to wonder why, if this subject was so important to him, did he not give it earlier? The fact is Obama only gave this speech at this time to try to salvage his campaign from the PR disaster that his pastor Jeremiah Wright created for him.

    During the speech, he spoke like a typical liberal - trying to make moral equivalents on a number of items that are not justified. The biggest mistake the speech made, in my opinion, was the way Obama threw his (still living) grandmother under the bus. He morally equated her private statements to him about some less than hostile racist remarks to the very public and very confrontational racist remarks made by Obama's pastor, Jeremiah Wright.

    James Taranto comments on this further in his article on "Obama and His 'White Grandmother.'"

    Is Obama this ambitious to be President that he would throw his grandmother under the bus? Or is he just arrogant?

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