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    Thursday, April 06, 2006

    "Entry Denied: Ward Churchill"

    You will never believe this. I just had about an hour conversation with Ward Churchill in a hotel bar here in DC and I'm about to go see him debate David Horowitz... he wrote the above passage in my copy of Horowitz's book, "The Professors: The 101 Most Dangerous Academics in America."

    Honestly, I didn't think he was that "dangerous" - but he didn't have an official entry on him, which is why he wrote that in my book.

    We had a great conversation... this is developing... hang on for more...

    I should also mention before I encountered Churchill and 2 of his friends (one a student and other a colleague in DC), I was involved in a "closed door" meeting with David Horowitz and about 15-20 other people representing conservative organizations that care about reforming the college campus. So, what a crazy few hours it has been!

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