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    Friday, October 07, 2005

    Constructing Strict Constructionists

    So, just days after President Bush appointed a "stealth" nominee - someone who has never even been a judge before (Harriet Meier), I met with a conservative law student at Cal Western School of Law in San Diego. He is very fired up about re-starting a Federalist Society group there and affiliating it with ISI as well. I also helped put him in touch with the leadership of the Federalist Society (conservative law group) at the Thomas Jefferson School of Law in San Diego. Looks like they are already looking forward to working together!

    On another note... what the heck is President Bush doing with this nominee? Here he as the opportunity to shape the Supreme Court for years (decades!) to come and yet he chooses not someone that is HIGHLY qualified, of which there are many candidates, but instead to a longtime friend. I love President Bush and I agree with him most of the time, but this is an outrage and a slap in the face to all the other well-qualified conservative judges out there that have worked their whole lives to be part of this elite group of justices. They have been overlooked for someone none of us know much about, except we all know that she's a friend of the President... and I guess as we've learned, loyal friends get jobs in this adminstration.

    I'm still not sure what to think... but it sounds like this ridiculous decision has finally "awakened" the conservative movement. It might be a good thing for the conservative movement in the long-term, but for now, it's somewhat demoralizing.

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